Young Soaring Eagle offers project management services grounded in the Indigenous fundamentals of balance.

Family, community, economics, and the environment—one cannot be affected without affecting them all. We embrace this ideology and use it to plan and execute every project, paying special attention to the oft-neglected microdetails. Whether your project involves governance, construction management, health, or another sector, we customize our solutions to properly address the problem at hand.


Case Study



Nova Scotia Native Women's Association (NSNWA)

Core Objectives:

Build an office space and resiliency centre grounded in Mi'kmaq values and traditions to ensure healing and wellness.


$9 million +

The project was completed in December 2024. It involved the complete management of working with all stakeholders (NSNWA, funders, contractors, architects, Mi'kmaq leadership and communities and organizations) to build the space, secure funding, hire individuals, and conduct the necessary foundational research and community outreach and engagement.

Many different beads - each a different colour signaling our core values: Community, Two-Eyed Seeing, Circular Positivity, and the Web of Life